Feelings are important. What's even more important is learning how to express your feelings in a positive way. Grammy took a class about Grandparents as child care providers a few weeks ago at UW-Madison. One of the topics they discussed in the class is teaching children how to express their feelings. So we started working with Hope. It has helped a lot. Now instead of just screaming when she's upset, she'll actually say, "I'm mad" or "I'm sad." Until today, those two were the only feelings she'd really express (sometimes, if we're lucky and with a little coaxing, she'll say "I'm happy"). Well, Grammy just called me to tell me what the latest feeling is that she's expressing. "I'm frustrated." hehehe Now I'm not laughing that Hope was frustrated about something. I'm laughing because here she is, not even two yet, and she can clearly say the phrase, "I'm frustrated." AND she knows what it means. She totally used it in context. Grammy had cleaned out some little bottles (like the plastic spice bottles) and given them to Hope to play with (she likes to pretend she's making muffins, coffee and soup, so the spice bottles are perfect for her to play with). She was having trouble getting the tops on and off and out of the blue, with no coaxing from Grammy or Papa (she was playing by herself while Grammy was fixing lunch) she said, "I'm frustrated." With that she threw the bottle and the cover on the floor. Now that part I'm not crazy about, but at least she can express herself. Now we can start working on how to handle those feelings. Now the fact that she knows that word is a bit scary though. That means that Mark and I must use the word a lot, which means we must be frustrated alot. We've gotta work on that.
Other news: swimming lessons are going, well, swimmingly! Hope is having a great time. The first night was perfect because it was nice and warm and sunny. Last night I got in the pool with Hope and it was freezing! Poor thing was shivering when we got out of the water. Tonight is going to be about the same as last night. Thankfully the lessons are only 30 minutes. Of course we'd have to take lessons during the summer cold front. UGH!! Now I'M frustrated. hehehe Maybe next week will be warmer. Anyway...Hope did NOT want to have anything to do with floating on her back on the first night, but last night went much better. She did great! And she's learning how to jump into the water (into our arms, of course) from the side of the pool. Oh, and one of her swim instructors has the "camp" name Cockroach. He told us that when he introduced himself on Monday night. So his name was said once. Last night we got to lessons and Mark asked Hope what her teacher's name was. She looked at the teacher and said, "Cockroach." We couldn't believe it!! He was amazed, too, that she remembered that from the night before. Of course then we had to get her to tell him what her favorite geometric shape is. hehehe
Tomorrow starts River Falls Days. FUN!! Lots of garage sales to check out and the great parade on Friday night. Hope and I will have to go to the parade by ourselves as Mark will be in Madison helping Brian move into his new house. He'll be back on Saturday night and then we'll go to Ryan's memorial service on Sunday afternoon. I'm still in shock about Ryan's death. It doesn't seem real.
And ya know how they say bad things come in 3's? Well, I got the notice of the third death yesterday. A wonderful man from the church I worked at in Dallas died on Sunday. Gene Friesen and his wife Glenna are just so nice and always were supporters of me while I was in Dallas. Gene has been sick for quite a while, so even though we will miss him, he is healthy, whole and with Jesus now.
Mark gave me an option of how I'd like to celebrate my 40th birthday. I know what I'm going to choose, but I'd like to know what you'd choose, so leave your comments. I can either have a big birthday bash that would be catered by Mariachi Loco (my favorite Mexican restaurant in Wisconsin), or we can go on a surprise trip. Now I'm not so sure I like the surprise part of that (simply because I like to plan), but I do like the trip part of that. Anyway...I'm going with the trip. I'm thinking Door County (if you don't know about Door County, you've got to Google it and check it out), Galena, or maybe even a road trip to Kansas City...but only if my friends Marsha and Jeff (and maybe even Pam and John??) would meet us there for a weekend.
OK...time to hang this random blog up. Hey...I need to copy a DVD. Anyone have any ideas, suggestions, etc?? If you have access to this type of technology, let me know please. The sooner I can get it done, the better. Being the cheapskate that I am, I really don't want to pay much for it. I'm looking to make copies of the DVD that the funeral home in Hartwell, GA, made of Ryan's life. Anyway, if you have ideas, please let me know.
Have a great Wednesday!
PS...I'll post pictures of Hope swimming soon.