Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Monday

It's Monday. We had such a relaxing weekend that it was hard to get back into the routine of things today...yet routine is welcome. Crazy, huh??

Thanksgiving, Part 2, was nice. It was great to see Mark's cousin Maria and her family again. Hope played SOOOOOO nicely with Maria's son Andrew (he's 3) and I'm so happy about that. Being an only child and not having much interaction with other children can make this a bit tough at times. But she shared nicely and gave lots of hugs to Andrew. They sang the ABC song together MANY times. Hope warmed up to Auntie Cheryl, too. That was so nice to see.

Speaking of Auntie wonderful sister in law has graciously invited me over to watch the Packer game on Thursday night. They have NFL Network and that's the only station you can watch the game on. I thought I'd either have to listen to the game on the radio (not much fun for me) or resort to going to a bar to watch it (again, not much fun for me). This will be MUCH better. We'll order a pizza and watch the game. I think they go to bed fairly early, so I may have to let myself out. I saw a statistic that makes me a little leary about the upcoming game. Tony Romo (the Cowgirls' quarterback) has the most TDs at home this season...even more than Tom Brady. YIKES since we're playing at Texas Stadium. Well, it's out of my hands and Hope has diligently been saying her "God bless Uncle Brett" prayers, so I guess I'll just have to see what Thursday night brings. Can you believe that I already have butterflies in my stomach?? Sheesh!!! That's crazy!

Mark is enjoying the day with Hope. They went to the library this morning---one of their favorite Daddy/Daughter activities. Tomorrow she'll be with Grammy and Papa and then on Wednesday I'll have her in the morning and Mark will have her in the afternoon while I'm at work. The one good thing about Mark not working right now is that he's got time to spend with Hope. Oh...speaking of job stuff...if you could pray that the right job comes along for him, that'd be really great!! We're OK, but this stuff is getting really old really fast.

Other than that, not much else going on. Thanks for checking in.

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