Sunday, November 11, 2007

Do you believe in SPANKINGS???

I do!!! Because I just witnessed the Green Bay Packers SPANK---and I mean SPANK--the Minnesota Vikings!! WooHoo!!! Now I realize that some of you who read this blog are Viking fans, so I'll be gentle. Although I am a Packer fan, I admire those Viking fans who stay loyal to their team through bad years, turmoil and scandals. So hats off to you. I was a bit sad to see Brooks Bollinger (the QB for the Vikings today) all by himself on the sidelines after the Vikings last possession. Way to encourage a young QB, Vikings. Plus, Brooks was an outstanding QB for the Badgers not too long ago, so I'll always like him. But here's where I take great glee in the Packers kickin' the Vikings today (final score: 34-0): Darren Sharper---where were all those interceptions you talked so big about today?? If I remember correctly, the last TD for the Packers saw you run squarely into your team mate. What could have EASILY been an interception for the Vikings turned into 7 points for the Packers. Thanks Darren! So why am I so hard on Darren?? He used to be a Packer. After Brett Favre, he was my favorite Packer for a long time. He's CUTE!!! But since he became a trader and chose to play for the Vikings, he's been trash-talking Brett Favre like crazy. Well, the Packers won what Mark and I consider to be OUR super bowl today. We beat the Vikings!! As a matter of fact, we beat them TWICE this year.

OK...enough about the Vikings. Let's talk about how awesome the 8-1 (YES!!! 8-1) Green Bay Packers. They looked so great today!! The offense played an unbelievable game today. Lead, of course, by Uncle Brett. The defense was spectacular. Up to this point I thought that the Packers were playing well, but still had a lot of luck on their side. But today I am totally convinced that we have a heck of a chance to beat the Cowboys (my second least favorite team in the NFL) in Irving, TX, on November 29th. Our running game was great today. Our passing game was almost perfect today. Our defense remains strong. We have two more games before we meet the Cowboys. I'm already on pins and needles for that game. I'm pretty sure we can beat the Panthers at Lambeau next week. Then we play in Detroit on Thanksgiving Day. That's always a tough place for us. A week later it's the Cowgirls. The last time we played at Texas Stadium I was at the game and almost got kicked out. I think I've mentioned that before. No more football talk for today. Can you tell I'm excited??!!!!!!

How about some fun, exciting news about Hope?? She's getting closer and closer to getting this potty training thing down. We are SOOOOOOO proud of her!! She has gone pee-pee in her potty chair every morning for a week now. YEAH!!! A couple of days ago I woke her up from her nap and she was dry, so I put her on her chair. Not only did she pee-pee in her chair, she poo-pooed, too!! YEAH HOPE!!! As she was sitting in her high chair eating lunch today, she was working on a doozy poo-poo in her diaper. I changed her, but found there wasn't much there. I was surprised. I was going to put a clean diaper on her, but she insisted that she had to go potty. I didn't believe her (she's great at finding reasons to not go to sleep), but I set her on her potty anyway. Pretty soon she was looking in her chair. Poo-poo!! WooHoo!!! She DID have to go after all. We're hoping and praying she can keep making this kind of progress so that maybe by Christmas she can be pretty much completely trained. Merry Christmas to us: no more diapers to buy. YEAH!!!

So that's it from the Boersma-Brue household for today. It's a good day. With the Packers giving us such great news today and Hope doing so well with her potty training, maybe we'll get great news about a job for Mark this week. That would be perfect. more thing: we took Hope to see The Bee Movie yesterday. She did a pretty good job sitting through the movie. The movie itself: I'd give it a B. (hehehehe)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Well, as a Vikings household, I agree, today SUCKED. I told Troy I was going to convert to Packer. I mean, I moved to Wisconsin, became a Lutheran, why not? But, one good thing did come out of the game - at the party we were at, everyone put in a dollar and guessed who would win and by what point spread, and Lucy won! Way to start out that college fund!