Sorry about the red-eye in that picture.
Before we talk about the incredible Green Bay Packers, I have to give a shout out to Lisa L who has recently discovered our blog and has been discovering all the craziness that is the Brue Family. Hi Lisa!!
OK...how about those Packers?? Oh man!! Did you see the game last night?? I do have to say that I feel slightly bad for the Denver community. On Sunday night the Rockies lost the World Series in a sweep by the Boston Red Socks. Then the Packers come in and beat the Broncos in OT on Monday Night Football. Oh well. I'm done feeling bad now. hehehe Are the Packers REALLY 6-1 this season?? Holy Cow!! Who ever, in their wildest imaginations, would have guessed this is where we'd be going into November?!! I'm so stinkin' excited! If anyone deserves to have some goodness come his way, it's our fearless leader, Brett Favre (as Deanna said in her book "Favre---it rhymes with starve. Don't pay attention to the order of the letters."). He's been through so much in the past couple of years. Now I realize it's only November and lots can happen between now and the end of December, but we're looking pretty good. We even seemed to have a bit of a running game last night. Who is that Grant guy, anywhere?? Whoever he is, YEAH!!! Mark told me before the game that Denver is one of the stadiums that Brett has never thrown a TD pass in. Well, last night he threw two. BOTH BOMBS!!! And wouldn't you know I missed BOTH of them because I was doing laundry. DOH! Thank God for replays. So I stayed up late last night watching the game and putting trick-or-treat bags together for our handful (or two) of trick or treaters that we'll hopefully have tomorrow night. And now I'm thinking ahead to the rest of the season. Here's the run-down:
This Sunday we're at Kansas City. Packers should win that one. That's the game I wanted to go to this year because we love the Chiefs since their training camp is held in River Falls each summer. On 11/11 we have the Vikings at Lambeau. Packers should win that one, too. We've already beaten them once this season. 11/18 the Packers host the Panthers. No idea about that one. Not keeping up with the Panthers this year. I'm thinking that could be a W, too. Then on 11/22 we're at Detroit. That'll be a tough one. Detroit is fairly good this year and it's a road game. The next week is the worst for me: 11/29: Packers v Dallas. Man I can't stand the Cowgirls!! That's like Mark and his dislike for the Vikings. That last time the Packers played the Cowboys they were in Dallas and I was at the game. I almost got kicked out of Texas Stadium because I was standing up to watch the game. Sheesh!! The Packers lost that game, so hopefully they can win this one. This is undoubtedly their toughest game of the season. Many "experts" are picking the Cowboys to go to the Superbowl this year. UGH!!!!!!!!! Onward: then we're home against the Raiders. Should be a win. Then we're at the Rams and the next week we're at Chicago. We've GOT to win that game against the Bears because that's our only loss this year---and they handed it to us at Lambeau!! Payback's a ..... Our last game is at home against Detroit. OK...so I know most of this is boring to most of you, but nobody, including yours truly, expected the Packers to be doing what they're doing this year. Could it all crumble at any time?? Sure. But I don't think it's going to. Will we end the season with just one loss?? I'd be surprised. But I do think we can win our division and get a good start in the play offs. Time will tell.
Here's another picture from last night when Hope was cheering for the Packers and "Uncle Brett." Yep. She thinks Brett Favre is her uncle. Now where would she get an idea like that?? Oh---and every night when we do our prayers I say, "God bless.." and she always finishes with this, "Daddy and Uncle Brett." She's got green and gold in her veins, too!! TOUCH DOWN--PACKERS!!!
Have a great day.

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