We no longer own Wolfy. "Who is Wolfy?" you ask. Wolfy is our (former) 2002 VW Jetta TDI. Dark blue. Leather interior. Moon roof (or is it a sun roof?? I don't know the difference. Does it depend on whether it's day or night?? hehehe). Nice sound system. Diesel (thus, the TDI for those who didn't know). GREAT gas mileage (40-45 mpg). She's been a wonderful car until the past year or so. She's just given us some problems. So Mark took Wolfy to the VW dealer on Thursday to get her oil changed. (Yes, Wolfy is a girl.) Mark asked someone, just out of curiosity, what we could get for Wolfy. The guy said he give us about $10,000 for her!! It's a DEAL!! So what did we buy in Wolfy's place?? Wolfy II (well, I think that'll be her name...that's still up for a final decision). Wolfy II is a 2004 VW Touareg!! We've wanted one since we started looking for the Avalanche in 2004. We never thought we'd be able to afford one though. With a great trade-in for Wolfy I and a hard bargain driver for a husband, we actually CAN afford the Touareg. In case you're not sure what the Touareg is (and alot of people don't, so don't feel bad), it's the VW SUV and it's NICE!! VW teamed up with Porsche to make this one...so I'm just going to tell everyone I'm driving a Porsche now. hehehe Mark told me that they teamed up with Audi to build the motor on the Touareg. Cool, huh?? Anyway, the reviews on the Touareg are incredible...except for the gas mileage. UGH!!! So now we have two vehicles that both get about 17 mpg (that's about what the Avalanche gets, too). There's no way we can afford that, so we'll also be trading the Avalanche in, too. That's gonna be a hard one. We got that puppy brand spanking new. Gilby (we named the Avalanche after former Packer Gilbert Brown who is a big boy) is bright red (I picked it out!) and is just an awesome vehicle to drive and own. Although we hate to get rid of Gilby, we have to get something more economical. So now the search for a car continues. We're thinking that maybe we can get a Chevy Imapala or maybe even a Vibe. We've even thought about looking at Subarus. Whatever we end up getting, we'll have to get a pretty even trade for Gilby because Wolfy II will present us with the first car payment that we've had in almost 2 years!! There's no way we want to go from no car payment a month to 2 a month. I'm sure we'll find something. If you know of anyone that would like a 2004 loaded RED Chevy Avalanche with low miles, give us a holler. Oh...and Mark took Wolfy (that's Wolfy I) to the dealership yesterday to trade her in, but they won't have Wolfy II ready until sometime this week so they gave us a loaner. We are now driving a silver Beetle. It's so much fun. And it's a convertible! Nice, huh?? It's a little small for a car seat in the back, but I managed to get it in anyway. Hope will be safe and sound back there, but I won't have her in it much. She'll mostly ride in Gilby until we get Wolfy II.
So that's what's new in our neck of the woods. I FINALLY started working on the photo album that I auctioned off at my friend Steve's benefit. I got a good start on it today, but there's still much to do. It'll get done. The most important thing is that I'm really having a great time doing it.
I better go. It was a late night last night. Oh...Mark and I had a date night!! Grammy and Papa (Mark's parents) watched Hope over night and Mark and I went to Red Wing to see Scott Kyrpaine (I butchered the spelling of his last name) and Steve Green in concert. It was amazing!! Both so different, but both praising God through music. Anyway, we got home late and I was up for a while getting things done around the house...and it was 2am before I got to bed. So I'm going to go night night now. Sweet dreams everyone! Happy worship tomorrow! And here's a picture of what Wolfy II looks like. It's not the exact vehicle, but I think this is the color Mark chose. Oooohhhh...and the most important thing: Wolfy got her name from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart...my favorite composer who happens to be German (well, Austrian, really, but who cares?).
1 comment:
That is pretty exciting! You have a lot of "new" things and "firsts" to be pumped about at the moment!
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