It's Wednesday. Hope and I have been suffering with colds. She had a temp of 102.1 on Sunday morning, 104 on Sunday night and 103 on Monday night. Granted, the temp has gone down in between those spikes, but it's still scary...especially as a first time parent. The good news: no ear infection and her lungs are clear. The bad news: not much we can do. I think, at least in part, her cold stuff is from teething. I saw her lower right 2 year molar popping in. I think there are more to come because she's been slobbering like crazy. Poor thing. God definitely knew what He was doing when he figured out the teething thing. Although it's hard to see your baby have so much pain, you also realize that it's better for them to go through it now because they won't remember the pain. Today my head is so stuffed up. I should buy stock in Kleenex because I'm going through them like crazy. Hopefully this won't last long. Mark is suffering from allergies. It's that time of the year where he'll sneeze, cough, have itchy eyes, etc, etc, etc for about 4-6 weeks. He's just miserable. So it's not a lot of fun at the Brue home right now. This, too, shall pass.
The really depressing news for me though is that I'm looking at one of my best friends move away in the next few months. I'm so happy for her and her hubby (names to be released at a later date. Until the places that work at know, it's a bit confidential) because it really is time for them to move on. Yet, this will be the second really close friend that I've lost in less than a year. One moved to Dodgeville (WI) when her hubby got a job transfer. Now it's happening again. I knew that this was coming, so I'm not surprised, but now it's finally becoming real and I have to tell you that my heart is really hurting. I'm realizing now that although I have some really close friends at my new church and I love them dearly, it's hard to nurture and begin new relationships at this stage in my life. My life is consumed by being a Mommy (and I wouldn't trade that for the world). I guess that's why these friends were/are so dear to me: I knew them before I was a Mommy...when I had time to get close to people. I know that once Hope gets a little older and starts getting involved with things (we're signing her up for swimming lessons this summer and maybe even dance class this fall), I'll start meeting people and maybe there will be a new friendship formed there. Yet I also realize that I'm going to be ALOT older than most of the parents of the friends that Hope will have. Anyway, I'm sad. I just hope that when this friend moves away she'll stay in touch (that's for you if you're reading!! hehehe). My other two really super close girlfriends live in Dallas and I miss them like crazy right now. I could use a hug!!
OK. This has been a bummer of a post. Sorry. Maybe the cows across the street will start running for me. That makes me laugh ALOT!! What reason would a cow have to run?

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