Wednesday, July 9, 2008

3 year check up

Hope went to see Dr. Raverty today for her 3 year check up. I know she's not 3 until July 19th, but Dr. Raverty is pregnant and due any time, so I wanted to get in before she has her baby.

Anyway...Hope is growing like a weed. Ever since she was born she's been in about the 25th percentile for height and weight. Always 100% percentile for head measurement!! Today she made it into the 45th percentile for height AND weight!!! YEAH!!! She's still at 100% for the head. hehehe So she weighs 30.4 lbs and is 38 1/2" tall. She was a really good girl at the doctor today. We took a giant step in getting rid of the pico (aka pacifier) today, too. Hope has 3 picos that she doesn't really like all that well, so we took those with us today and gave them to Dr. Raverty for her baby (I'm sure they made it promptly into the garbage can after we left). Hope did better with that than I thought she would. The real challenge will be to get her 2 favorite picos away from her in 1.5 weeks. At the end of the appointment she gave Dr. Raverty a big hug and said, "I love you Dr. Rita." SOOOOOO cute!!! She did that all on her own. Oh...and she wore her own stethescope to the appointment, too. The nurses loved it.

That's it for now. I have some pictures to get up, so I'll do that one of these days.

1 comment:

Beth said...

When is her birthday??? Today or typo???

What a big girl to think that another little one could use her pico more than she. How thoughtful. :)