Monday, March 3, 2008

Proud parents

I mentioned in my previous post that our friend Stacy came over for supper on Saturday night. It was great to see her. I had to post part of an email she sent me. Here it is:
YOu and Mark have raised one wonderful little girl! I can't believe how smart and verbally intelligent HOpe is! She completely amazed me. there aren't that many 2 1/2 year olds that you can actually hold a conversation with - it's so awesome. i just wanted you to know that.
And this is from someone who knows kids!! Needless to say, I'm "busting my buttons" with pride right now. I mean, Mark and I think she's a pretty amazing little girl, but it's always really nice to hear that someone else thinks she's pretty amazing, too.

The sun is out today. YEAH!!! It actually rained here yesterday. Maybe that's a sign that spring might actually get here sometime between now and next winter. It's cold today though (high of about 22), but tomorrow it's supposed to be 30!! How sick is it to live in a place where you think that 30 is warm??!!! WINTER, WINTER, GO AWAY...and don't ever come back.

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