Time to get supper going. Enjoy the picture of Hope with Santa and Mrs Claus.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Santa and Mrs Claus
Time to get supper going. Enjoy the picture of Hope with Santa and Mrs Claus.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Prayers please
"Basically it was pretty bad news. The cancer has gotten much worse and is now in the liver. I have been in severe pain on my left side the last few weeks with this week being aweful and found out it had spread into the inside of my bones( I had spots but now they are growing. That is what most of my pain is from so I am on a patch for the pain as well as morphine and some other drugs we are trying for the pain. I will also be using a cane/ walker to help keep me stable and to keep me from falling. Not the news we were hoping for. Continue saying those prayers please."
I always try to be optimistic, but this isn't good. Kim is only 45!!! Her daughter is a Jr. in High school. She needs her Mom. I am just sick to my stomach about all of this. Please, please, PLEASE keep her and her family in your prayers. God is a God of miracles, so I know He can completely heal Kim. I pray that's His will.
I wish each of you could know Kim. She is such an amazing woman of faith. She's been so hopeful through BOTH of her journeys with cancer. Always upbeat. Always smiling. Always more concerned about you than herself. I'll keep you posted on her progress. Thanks for your prayers.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
History Made
Time for bed. Oh...Sarah Palin in 2012!! WooHoo!! Or maybe a Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin ticket. That would ROCK!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Just a quick note
Today I had a humbling, emotional and a little over whelming experience. I've often mentioned my friend Kim who is dealing with her second bout with cancer. She continues to fight this nasty disease with everything she has. She's so amazing. Well, today was my honor to take her for her chemo treatment at the Minnesota Cancer Care Center in Maplewood. From start to finish I was with Kim around 4-5 hours today. We had a good opportunity to chat. I asked her how she was doing emotionally. She said this time around is tougher than the first time. Going through this with Kim today made me realize how blessed I am with my health. It also made me realize how much I love Kim and how sad I will be if this disease wins. Not only will I be sad, but I'll be angry. I'll ask a lot of questions of God. The other thing that I realized today was how wide spread this disease is. There must have been around 2 dozen recliners in this huge chemo room today and every one of those chairs was filled the whole time we were there. As a matter of fact, when they were finishing up with Kim, a man came in and had to wait because they had no more chairs left. It was so sad seeing these people---different in so many ways, but they have this one unfortunate thing in common--having to go through this. Most of them were upbeat and still seemed to love life, but it's amazing how many people have cancer. It got me really thinking about the cause of this: is it environmental or is it just that we're talking more about it and catching more of the cancer than we've been able to in the past?? I'm sure it's a combination, but it's an overwhelming thing to think about.
Please keep Kim in your prayers. She has to have a brain MRI tomorrow because of some things that have been happening to her lately. I'm SO hoping that what she's experiencing is because of the medications she's on and not that there are spots of cancer on her brain. I'll keep you posted on her progress or you can check out her caring bridge page at www.caringbridge.org. Type in kimberlywarneke when asked for the patient's name (no spaces between her first and last name).
Thank you for your prayers.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy Freakin' Birthday!
So we had a nice day planned. We first had to go to the DMV in Hudson (I know...not real exciting--but they renewed my license in like 10 minutes from start to finish so I was happy about that), then we went to the pet store in Hudson to look at the animals. My big hearted girl was pretty good through that. Then we went to Caribou for breakfast and the demon started coming out a little. Then it was to Target where I could see yet a little more of the demon. Then lunch at Mariachi Loco where the demon REALLY came out. Holy Hannah! The rest of the day was downhill from there. I don't know who took my sweet little girl or what they did with her, but the replaced her with someone who LOOKS just like her but acts the complete opposite. Long story short: I'm hoping whoever took my little Hopie brings her back tonight and takes the subsitute we had today away forever. This was by far the hardest day in Hope's 3+ years of life for me. And of course it had to fall on my birthday. I shed some tears today. I said that I wasn't coming home when I go to Texas next. I told her that she and Daddy can be crabby pants by themselves. And of course I feel an immense amount of guilt for not being a little more patient with her today. Tomorrow is a new day and I think I have every right to get a birthday "re-do."
On a good note: Hope made me a birthday card and gave it to me this morning. She is SO good at writing her name. Inside the card was a GREAT picture of Aaron Rodgers that Mark had cut out of a magazine. I love that boy (Aaron, that is...lol). Looks like I'll be getting my Aaron Rodgers jersey after all. Hopefully I can have it before the Packers beat the Cowboys (I say nervously) on Sunday.
OK...time to finish my wine cooler (maybe another one is in order for today?? lol), play some Scrabble and go to bed.
Sorry for being a total downer.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
2nd Day of Pre-school
So...no tears when I dropped her off. I went to get coffee, went to the chiropractor and did a few other errands. Then Mark and I went to pick Hope up. As soon as she saw us and Mrs. Wunrow dismissed her, Hope slid under the table because she didn't want to go home!!!! Sheesh!! We're not THAT bad of parents, are we??? No other kid hid under the table when they got picked up. I'd rather have it that way then have her kicking and screaming when I leave. So pre-school is a big hit. Hope is already bringing home things she's learning at school. They must have talked about going potty on the potty chair, too, because Hope said something about Mrs. Wunrow saying they should use the bathroom if they have to go potty. Mrs. Wunrow also taught the kids to say "Yes, please" when they get their milk at snack time.
This is going to be a great growing year for Hope...and for her parents. We have much to learn, for sure, and I can't think of anyone better to learn these lessons from than Hope.
With that I'm off to sleep...hoping the Badgers don't blow it in the 4th quarter. C'mon Badgers!!!! Let's go! PRAISE GOD!!!! Fresno State just missed a field goal that would have tied the game. And don't get me started on that AWFUL call the refs made in the 3rd quarter. The call SHOULD have been reversed because it WAS a fumble and WAS recovered by the Badgers.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A new career begins...
Hope's new friends
Hope and Mrs. Wunrow
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday, Happy BIRTHday and Happy Coming Home Day.
After our time at Fawn-Doe-Rosa, we headed just north of St. Croix Falls to a winery called Chateau St. Croix. Very nice!!! Mark and I tasted a few wines, Hope had "kiddie wine" as she called it (it was a non-alcoholic sangria), and we had some cheese and crackers. We also ended up with a case of wine in the back of the HHR. YES-- we paid for it. And guess what??? That box of wine (12 bottles, in case you were wondering) will last us for a VERY long time.
Then it was home for supper, a bath for Hope (man was she DIRTY tonight), and bedtime for everyone...except for me....but I'm very close.
I'd also like to say happy BIRTHday to Matthew Seguin Jr. He's the brand-spanking new son of my friends Amy and Matt. He was born today (on Mark's birthday) at 4:20pm. He weighed just over 7 lbs and was 20" (or so...I didn't write down the details) long. I'm so glad that Amy and Matt got their little boy. Matt has a sister, Heidi, who will be 3 in January. Amy told me that Matt said to her not long ago that if they had another girl they might have to try one more time for a boy. I don't think Amy was too excited about that. LOL Hopefully in the next couple of weeks Hope and I will make a trip to Dodgeville, WI, to see the new baby. The really exciting thing about this is that I had a feeling they were going to have a boy and I'm ALWAYS wrong!!! I was finally right. WooHoo!!!
Please keep the family of Phil Kuss in your prayers. Phil and his wife Ruth are members at Ezekiel Lutheran Church in River Falls where I used to be the Children's Minister. They are WONDERFUL people and I love them dearly. Phil died on Friday at the age of 74. I am going to miss him so much. He always had a wonderful smile, kind words and engaging conversation. When I was pregnant with Hope he told me that I should have the baby on the 26th of July because that's his birthday (my due date was July 27th---my Mom's birthday---so having her on the 26th was a real possibility...but it didn't happen). He also thought that IF I had the baby on the 26th and IF the baby was a boy, Mark and I should name him Phil. That's a special memory I'll always carry in my heart. Thank you for the prayers for that incredible family.
OK...that's it for me for tonight. I've been totally getting sucked in to the Olympics and I love it. I think Nastia just got robbed of a gold medal though. Oh well, she DID win the gold in the all around, so I guess I'll be satisfied with that. How do those people make these events seem so effortless??
Night night!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Cat bites, hair cuts and a brush with fame
So a week ago tomorrow I got Hope in the car and we headed to her secondary day care provider's house. (NOTE: Grammy and Papa are the primary care takers of Hope while I'm at work and a friend of mine who does day care in her home watches Hope 1-2 days a week. This allows Hope to interact with other children AND it gives Grammy and Papa a break.) So we got to the house, I took Hope in and sat her at the kitchen table with L and her kids. The babies were sleeping. When it was time for me to leave I headed for the front door and I noticed that one of L's cats was sleeping between my shoes. I went to slip my shoes on so I could leave and that's when all hell broke loose. The cat apparently didn't want me to have my shoes so she hissed at me and attached herself to my left leg with her claws and her teeth. Well, the second cat of the house heard this and came to the defense of the first cat and then SHE attached herself to my left leg with HER claws and HER teeth. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. It was horrible!! Well, L heard the noise and came running and when she saw what was happening she was able to get the cats off my leg. She told me to quickly scoot out the front door before they came after me again. I was starting to head out the door when I looked down at my left leg and noticed that blood had saturated my white---YES, WHITE--capris. Blood was literally gushing down my leg. Instead of scooting out the front door I scooted into Ls bathroom where I gushed blood all over her floor. I couldn't believe the blood. I got my pants down and saw that most of the blood was coming from my vericose vein that one of the cats had punctured. YIKES!!! I got it to stop bleeding, L took my pants to put them in the wash and she gave me a pair of hers to wear. I got Hope in the car and we headed back to River Falls and to the clinic. They got me in right away. I didn't need stitches, but they cleaned my puncture wounds (8 in total) and gave me a prescription for an antibiotic so I wouldn't get an infection. Didn't work. I got an infection anyway. My leg swelled up and got red and I could barely walk on it for 2-3 days. Finally on Sunday the swelling started going down and the redness started going away. It's pretty much back to normal now, but the puncture wounds still look pretty nasty. Here are a couple shots I took on Saturday...
This is a tricky situation because L and I are good friends. That hasn't changed at all, but I don't feel that I can leave Hope there while I'm at work while she still has the cats. I'd be too concerned that something might happen to her. The cats have never attacked a child before, but I'm not the first adult they've attacked. What is preventing them from attacking a child for the first time?? I hope that never happens.
Now on to the hair cuts. Back in May my sister gave Hope her first real haircut. She took off 4-5" at that time which made Hope's hair just a little longer than shoulder length. I initially wanted to get it cut quite a bit shorter, but I got cold feet. Well, her hair has grown like crazy since that first haircut and although her hair is beautiful I made the decision to get it cut again...and this time a lot shorter. So here are some pictures of Hope's new 'do:
Lastly, I got home from work today and Mark and Hope were just getting back from one of their "adventures." Usually their adventures finds them roaming around the UW-RF campus. It ESPECIALLY finds them roaming the UW-RF campus now that the Kansas City Chiefs are in town for training camp. Well, today they headed to campus and Hope got to meet head coach Herm Edwards!!! I was SOOOOO jealous when she told me. It was either just before or just after their morning practice and Mark was letting Hope bounce on the big bouncy thing (technical term for that large thing that the pole vaulters land on once they're over the bar) and standing just a few feet from them was Herm. Mark told Hope to say hello, so she said, "Hello Herm." He came over and talked to her!! He asked her her name, how old she was, etc. Mark said he's a really nice guy. We don't have any pics of Hope's brush with fame today, but if you don't know what Herm Edwards looks like, he reminds me of Tony Dungy (head coach of the Indianapolis Colts). If you don't know what Coach Dungy looks like, you really should get out more. LOL The other day when we were on campus we met one of the Kansas City sports reporters named Erin. Really, really nice girl. It's that time of the year when the Chiefs are in town and, frankly, it's one of my favorite times of the year. It's fun having these guys in town. Plus it's summer...and it's HOT and HUMID right now. I'm in heaven! It's no Dallas (it's going to be over 100 degrees every day this week down there....lucky them!), but I'll take it.
Monday, July 28, 2008
And now she's THREE!!!
Mark and Hope by the rhinos.
Intently opening yet another gift.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Brett Favre a (GULP) Viking???
On a good note: God answered my prayers today and the storm didn't hit River Falls until after the River Falls Days parade was over. YEAH!! So we got to see Emily in all her Queen-ness on the Hudson float. She was having so much fun! She even blew Hope a kiss when she saw her. So cool!
OK...time to read some more. I'm on book for of James Patterson's "number" series. This one is called "4th of July." I'm glad I've gotten back into reading this summer, but the late nights are killing me. Thank God we're on vacation next week and not going anywhere except to Madison for Hope's birthday. Oh..,.and I picked up Hope's usual b-day gift from Mark and me today. Starting with her 1st birthday (I wish I would have thought of it when she was born) we get her one pearl from Fennern's in Baldwin. I have to buy a chain soon to put the pearls on. I figure that we'd be better able to afford a string of pearls for Hope if we bought one pearl at a time as opposed to one whole string at one time. I wanted to get her something for her 1st birthday that would be sentimental, lasting, kind of a family heirloom that she could pass on down the line. I had this pearl idea and even though right now Hope doesn't appreciate it, she will some day.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
3 year check up
Anyway...Hope is growing like a weed. Ever since she was born she's been in about the 25th percentile for height and weight. Always 100% percentile for head measurement though...lol!! Today she made it into the 45th percentile for height AND weight!!! YEAH!!! She's still at 100% for the head. hehehe So she weighs 30.4 lbs and is 38 1/2" tall. She was a really good girl at the doctor today. We took a giant step in getting rid of the pico (aka pacifier) today, too. Hope has 3 picos that she doesn't really like all that well, so we took those with us today and gave them to Dr. Raverty for her baby (I'm sure they made it promptly into the garbage can after we left). Hope did better with that than I thought she would. The real challenge will be to get her 2 favorite picos away from her in 1.5 weeks. At the end of the appointment she gave Dr. Raverty a big hug and said, "I love you Dr. Rita." SOOOOOO cute!!! She did that all on her own. Oh...and she wore her own stethescope to the appointment, too. The nurses loved it.
That's it for now. I have some pictures to get up, so I'll do that one of these days.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The envelope please...
Now...for those of you outside the area I'll try to explain a little bit about what this town festival thing is. I grew up in central Wisconsin and we NEVER had anything like this. It was new to me when I moved to River Falls. Each of the towns in this area has it's own "fest." It includes the crowning of royalty (usually some princesses and a queen...although there is one that also crowns a king), food, a carnival, a parade, etc. It happens throughout the course of a weekend. So this weekend is Hudson Booster Days. Hudson is the town next to River Falls (and it's the only thing, next to the St. Croix River, that separates us from Minnesota. Thank God for Hudson. LOL). That's where Mark's sister and her family live. Next weekend is River Falls Days (original name, huh? sheesh!!). Every weekend during the summer is a different festival. The City of St. Paul (MN) has the Winter Carnival. So now you have a better picture. Well, each town has its own float that the members of the royalty ride on...and each town has its float in every other town's parade. It's crazy. So, as the Hudson Queen, Emily will be riding that float ALOT (pretty much every weekend) for the rest of the summer. She'll also be representing the town of Hudson at other community activities. Next year at this time she'll get to crown the next Miss Hudson. She will also receive a scholarship next year. She is going to be a very busy girl this year (there goes our babysitter), but she is going to represent Hudson beautifully!! In her personal interview last week with the judges, one of the questions they asked her was what would be the hardest part about being chosen Miss Hudson. Emily's response: that she'd feel bad for the girls who didn't win. That's our Em. She's pretty amazing. Such a great heart for God and for God's people. I think tomorrow I'm going to make T-shirts for Mark, Hope and I to wear to the parades that we'll be going to this summer. They'll say something like "Miss Hudson is my niece." How fun would that be?? I think I'll even get to do a few of the parades with my sister in law which will be fun. Oh...the parents of the royalty are just as busy as the royalty themselves. So Mark and Cheryl will be incredibly busy this year as well.
I've got lots of new pictures of Hope to post, but for tonight I'm just going to post some pics of Em from tonight. I'll get pictures of Hope up sometime this weekend. Enjoy!!
Bethany (Emily's sister), Emily (Queen) and Courtney (Princess). I gave piano lessons to all three of these girls once upon a time.
Emily, Hope and proud Uncle Mark.
Em, beaming Aunt Mel and a mad Cousin Hope (when she saw Em's crown she promptly said, "I want a crown, too." lol Maybe we have a Miss River Falls in our future??)
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Glad and Sad
Glad: Hope and I went to the new Hudson 12 Theater today and saw the Noon showing of "Kung Fu Panda." It was cute, but the best part for me was watching my girl. She looked so grown up sitting in the chair next to me. She was so good. This was about her 4th movie (we've taken her to see "Ice Age 2", "The Bee Movie," "Horton Hears a Who" and now this one). She sat on the edge of her seat (she can't sit all the way back or the seat would fold her up), watching the movie, eating popcorn with me. In my mind I could see Hope as a teenager, going to a movie with her friends instead of her Mommy. That made me sad and glad.
After the movie we came home to pick Mark up so the three of us could go to the farm together. We saw the cutest calf!!! We think it was born this morning. It's a red and white holstein. SOOOOOOOOO cute!!! Almost as cute as Reddy (the jersey), but not quite. We named her Carmadillo (a combination of caramel and armadillo...hehehe). I told Mark and Hope that I wanted to go next door to the maternity ward to see the Mamma who gave birth to such a beautiful baby. Well, here's the sad part. I saw the soon to be momma cows and then one in particular caught my eye. I said to Mark, "Hey...look at that one...she's laying down and she's outside the barn." I looked closer and she WAS laying down and she WAS outside the barn...because she was dead. It made me want to cry. I went closer (I know this is weird) to see what tag number she had on her ear. 775. I know that means nothing to anyone, but since we go to the farm almost every day I feel like I've gotten to "know" the calves and the soon to be Mommies. This poor cow must have died while giving birth. I'll have to get the story next time I'm at the farm. So Hope asked some questions today about the cow. That's a tough one. We told her the cow was very sick and now she's in heaven with Jesus. OK. I have a degree in Theology. I know there's absolutely nothing theological about a cow being in heaven with Jesus. As a matter of fact, before I became a Mommy I thought people were nuts when they'd talk about their beloved pets being in heaven. Now I understand. I also know that God has a big enough heart that even if animals don't actually go to heaven, He's OK with us telling our kids that in order to bring them some comfort. That's my two cents worth on that. So the farm was sad and glad today.
I'm taking tomorrow off from work/church, so we went to church at Bethel Highlands in Hudson tonight. It was a contemporary service and was really, really nice. It was nice to be able to worship and not work (although having a toddler in church with you is work...but Hope was really good tonight).
So that brings be to the end of my day. I'm sipping on some hot tea with lemon and honey, hoping that'll help my throat and that tomorrow I'll wake up and feel great. I'm going to read a few more chapters in my latest James Patterson read (3rd Degree) and then I'll hit the hay.
Thanks for reading and for not thinking I'm TOOOOOOO weird about the whole cow thing. Or at least thanks for not saying anything. LOL If I remember, I'll take the camera to the farm with me tomorrow so I can get a picture of Carmadillo. She is seriously so cute!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Cowgirl Hope
I got this cute little cowgirl outfit for Hope while I was in Texas. She wore it today...along with the pink cowgirl boots that Grammy got her about a year ago. Isn't she cute??? I'm not sure what's up with that silly smile though.
An update on my Mom's surgery: She came through it with flying colors. The doctors said there were no surprises, so that's a good thing. The pain has been much less than she thought it was going to be, so that's good, too. I think she went for her post op check up either yesterday or today, so I'll have to call and find out how it went and when she starts pt. That'll probably bring some pain. Thanks for your prayers for her.
I guess that's it from the Brue home on this Tuesday night. I just found out that it looks like we'll be going to Stillwater on Sunday for Drum Corp performances. I can't wait. I LOVE DCI!!! It'll be Hope's first introduction to Drum Corp. She's going to go crazy!!! Go Madison Scouts! Oh...also...Saturday is the annual "touch a truck" event in River Falls. It's at Meyer Middle School. I think we'll take Hope because the Oscar Myer Weinermobile is going to be there. How cool will that be to see??? Let's hope we have a weekend with great weather.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
A couple of quick notes
I'm headed to Stevens Point in about and hour. My Mom, even as I post this, is having rotator cuff surgery. The surgery was scheduled to start at 7am and was supposed to last about 4 hours. Sheesh!! That's almost as long as my gastric bypass surgery was. So please say a prayer for my Mom. The recovery for this surgery is supposed to be pretty gruelling, but once that's done it'll be so much better for her. I'll keep you posted on that.
Wednesday I head to Dallas for 5 days of R&R!!! I'll be staying at my friend Pam's house and she won't even be home. I'm bummed that I won't get to spend any time with her, but it'll be so peaceful. They have an AWESOME in ground swimming pool with a hot tub attached. Pam also got a baby grand piano for her 50th b-day a couple of years ago. As long as her blender is working so I can make some margaritas (lol) I'll be in heaven. I'll miss Hope so much though. I suppose I'll miss Mark, too (hehehe). This will be a great break for me though. I'm feeling a little guilty about leaving Mark to fend for himself and Hope, but I figure that I did it for almost 8 months while he was in Stoughton and Appleton, so I think I can use this trip. Plus, maybe it'll help him see how much I really do at home. That's always a good thing. I know when he was gone I realized how much he does, too.
That's all I've got for now. Thanks for reading and thanks for keeping my Mom in your prayers!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A trip around the world??
Hope: Mommy?
Mommy: Yes, Hope?
Hope: Can I go around the world with you some day?
Mommy (melting inside): Yes, Hope. That would be really nice. Where would you like to go first?
Hope: First to the farm to see Baby Reddy. Then to the playground. Then around the world.
I just smiled and gave her the biggest hug. I just thought that was so precious!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
What a great weekend
I didn't get anything done in the garden or in the house, but it was worth it. We spent lots of time together and it was great. I just wish it could always be like this...but work calls tomorrow.
With that, I'm off to get the creepy crawlies off and hit the hay. Please remember all those who have given their lives for our country as well as those men and women currently serving in our military. Today we're saying a special prayer for my nephew Andrew who most of you know is serving the US Air Force in Germany.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Heartbreaking news
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
House update
More exciting news for us: we officially have a potty trained 2 year old. WooHoo!!! I know there will be accidents from time to time, but she really has this potty thing down-pat. She's even wearing big-girl panties now. This was a long road. Everyone kept telling me that one day it would just click for her. I started doubting that. They were right though. YEAH!!!
That's it for now. Time to get ready for my elementary aged kids that are coming in just 45 miutes. It's the last Kids Club of the school year. I love them, but I'm ready for summer to be here.
More to come on the housing situation....
Monday, May 19, 2008
Quick prayer request
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I'm so proud of my sister in law!
I have much more to say, but I've got a headache the size of Cleveland and I have an 8:40 doctor's appointment in the morning, so it's time to go to bed. Until later...
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Lots of things...
Hope petting "Baby Reddy" (her name for the calf because of her reddish color).
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My friend Rachael...
Another prayer request: my Mom will be having shoulder surgery on June 5th. This is something she's been dealing with all winter. It is a result of a fall she took some time in November or December. It was snowing and her landlords hadn't come over to plow the parking lot yet. She was walking from her apartment to her garage and there was a patch of ice under the snow and down she went. She's been doing PT all winter and it hasn't gotten any better. The doctors finally said that surgery was going to be the only thing to help the pain. Mom will also be moving sometime later this summer or early fall, so that's another prayer request for her. That she enjoys her new apartment. I think she will. I believe it's a senior citizen type of apartment. It'll be nice for her to be around people her age. My Mom is 70, but a really young 70, but the apartment that she's been living in for the last 9 years has a few noisy younger people, so this will be a good move for her.
On a good note, we had an awesome day today!!! Our friends Beth, Ron and Hope came down from Baldwin and we had lunch together and then headed to the University Farm. Oh my goodness!!! You should have seen the two Hope's together. SOOOOO cute!!! They walked hand in hand, they chased each other around, they laughed. It was just so precious. I have some pictures, but the USB cord I need to get my pictures from my camera to my laptop is upstairs in the loft, directly above where Mark is trying to get Hope to sleep. The floor is really squeeky up there, so I'm not going to attempt to get the cord. Pictures will follow soon.
Thanks again for your prayers for the Grover family.
Friday, May 2, 2008
My new venture is official!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Global Temperature Warming???
Now on to some good news: I took Hope to daycare today. This was day #4 (I can't believe we've been doing this for a month already). All week she's been asking, "Mommy, can I go to Kaitlin's house on Thursday?" So she's been excited about it instead of dreading it like the past few weeks. Then she'd ask me, "And Mommy, can I hold you for a couple of minutes when we get to Kaitlin's house?" (NOTE: when Hope wants me to hold her she says, "I want to hold you." I haven't corrected her because I think it's so cute.) So today I held her for a couple of minutes when we got to Kaitlin's house, set her down to take off her shoes, stood up and she said, "Mommy, you go to work now." She gave me a kiss and off she went to play with AJ and Brandon. How cool is that??? That didn't take nearly as long as I thought it was going to. Our little girl is growing up. And she truly IS literally growing UP. I put another pair of pants on her today and they're too short. Same thing happened yesterday. So Beth...we have at least two more pairs of pants (and a shirt) to bring you for your Hope.
Other news on the home front: we're still going back and forth about where is the best place for us to settle when we get the house sold. We'd prefer to stay in River Falls because we just like the place, but it makes more sense really to move to Baldwin. That would give me a lot more time and save a ton of money on gas. We just keep going back and forth about it. Mark is hesitant about Baldwin because it's the town where he grew up. Some people love living in the town they were born and raised in and others don't. I know I wouldn't move back to Adams-Friendship if they paid me. So I can understand where he's coming from. It's just that my job is in Baldwin and so are Mark's parents (who watch Hope), so it just makes sense. I'm still trying to convince Mark that moving to Texas where it's warm and sunny year-round is the route we should go!! hehehe I'm actually only half joking about that. I have felt a real pull to get back to Dallas lately. I know our families are here and that's ultimately what will keep us in this place, but I'm feeling really lonely for my friends down there, the church that I worked at, and the sun & warmth that's almost always there. Maybe I just need to go down there and visit and that'll take care of my longing to be there for a while.
One more fun thing that happened today: I dropped Hope off this morning and realized I had forgotten my purse at home, so I drove back to River Falls to get it (that was NOT the fun thing that happened. I was actually pretty ticked off because I'm just not feeling well today and didn't want to have to do that). But I got home and Mark was on the phone with his Mom. He gave me the phone and she had a great offer for us. Mark's nephew Andy gets confirmed on May 18th which also happens to be our 6th wedding anniversary. Mark's parents talked about it last night and they have graciously offered to watch Hope after Andy's party and into the night so Mark and I can actually go out alone together. It's been a LONG time since we've done that. Now we have to figure out what we're going to do.
Oh...I lied. I have one more thing. Yesterday was the 6 year anniversary of my weight loss surgery. I've gotten into a lot of my old, bad habits over the past few years and I've made a decision to change those things and get back on track. I look at pictures from 4 years ago and I looked great, I felt great. I'm going to get back there again. I realize it won't happen over night, but it'll happen. I also realize I won't get back down to my low of 144 lbs, but the number isn't as important to me as the feeling. Plus, I have all kinds of cute clothes just waiting to be worn again. They are much better than the fat clothes I have now. So here's to me!
I guess that's about it for now. I'm about to sign a contract for a new very, very, very part time extra income opportunity, so watch future blogs for that information. I'm excited about the new opportunity. That's my tease to get you to come back again:)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Very cool!!
Other exciting news: Hope's potty training continues to go in the right direction. YEAH!!!! And since Hope and I are having a bonding weekend this weekend, we were going to go to the zoo today. Well, since winter lasts 10 months of the year here and it's snowing today, we opted out of the zoo and decided to go see "Horton Hears a Who" instead. She did such an awesome job at the movie. Was quiet, at popcorn with Mommy, didn't fall asleep. She even went potty on the big girl chair at the theater when the movie was over. So it's been a good day!!!
Time to go start supper and listen to who the Packers are going to draft. I have no idea who they're even looking at.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Lots of growing
On an entirely different note...please continue to pray for my friend Rachael. It seems as though she's given up the will to fight this cancer that she has. It's really sad and I think it's becoming really real to her husband Isaac that Rachael is indeed going to dye. Thank you for your prayers.
I was going to put pictures on from the retreat this past weekend, but it's almost 10:20 already and Brett Favre is going to be on David Letterman in a few minute. WooHoo!!! I can't wait to see him. I'm sure he's missed me. LOL So...the pictures will be here soon. I promise!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Great weekend
Time for bed, but before I turn off the computer I'm asking for prayers for my cousin Jay. Jay is just 6 months older than me. We were really, really close when we were growing up. He and his family lived just a few blocks from us so we always did stuff together. I just found out yesterday that Jay found out last week that he has skin cancer. He doesn't know much more about it, but he'll be heading down to Madison this week for more tests and stuff like that. Please keep him in your prayers. I'll keep you posted.