Time to get supper going. Enjoy the picture of Hope with Santa and Mrs Claus.

Life in the Brue household is never quiet.Join us on our journey to discover life: f rom potty training to creating an awesome marriage to knowing God better. We'll throw in some sports and cooking stuff, too, because we love that stuff! If you have great answers or comments or advice for any of these things, feel free to comment! We also like comments about how adorable our baby girl is!
Hope's new friends
Hope and Mrs. Wunrow
This is a tricky situation because L and I are good friends. That hasn't changed at all, but I don't feel that I can leave Hope there while I'm at work while she still has the cats. I'd be too concerned that something might happen to her. The cats have never attacked a child before, but I'm not the first adult they've attacked. What is preventing them from attacking a child for the first time?? I hope that never happens.
Now on to the hair cuts. Back in May my sister gave Hope her first real haircut. She took off 4-5" at that time which made Hope's hair just a little longer than shoulder length. I initially wanted to get it cut quite a bit shorter, but I got cold feet. Well, her hair has grown like crazy since that first haircut and although her hair is beautiful I made the decision to get it cut again...and this time a lot shorter. So here are some pictures of Hope's new 'do:
Lastly, I got home from work today and Mark and Hope were just getting back from one of their "adventures." Usually their adventures finds them roaming around the UW-RF campus. It ESPECIALLY finds them roaming the UW-RF campus now that the Kansas City Chiefs are in town for training camp. Well, today they headed to campus and Hope got to meet head coach Herm Edwards!!! I was SOOOOO jealous when she told me. It was either just before or just after their morning practice and Mark was letting Hope bounce on the big bouncy thing (technical term for that large thing that the pole vaulters land on once they're over the bar) and standing just a few feet from them was Herm. Mark told Hope to say hello, so she said, "Hello Herm." He came over and talked to her!! He asked her her name, how old she was, etc. Mark said he's a really nice guy. We don't have any pics of Hope's brush with fame today, but if you don't know what Herm Edwards looks like, he reminds me of Tony Dungy (head coach of the Indianapolis Colts). If you don't know what Coach Dungy looks like, you really should get out more. LOL The other day when we were on campus we met one of the Kansas City sports reporters named Erin. Really, really nice girl. It's that time of the year when the Chiefs are in town and, frankly, it's one of my favorite times of the year. It's fun having these guys in town. Plus it's summer...and it's HOT and HUMID right now. I'm in heaven! It's no Dallas (it's going to be over 100 degrees every day this week down there....lucky them!), but I'll take it.
Emily, Hope and proud Uncle Mark.
An update on my Mom's surgery: She came through it with flying colors. The doctors said there were no surprises, so that's a good thing. The pain has been much less than she thought it was going to be, so that's good, too. I think she went for her post op check up either yesterday or today, so I'll have to call and find out how it went and when she starts pt. That'll probably bring some pain. Thanks for your prayers for her.
I guess that's it from the Brue home on this Tuesday night. I just found out that it looks like we'll be going to Stillwater on Sunday for Drum Corp performances. I can't wait. I LOVE DCI!!! It'll be Hope's first introduction to Drum Corp. She's going to go crazy!!! Go Madison Scouts! Oh...also...Saturday is the annual "touch a truck" event in River Falls. It's at Meyer Middle School. I think we'll take Hope because the Oscar Myer Weinermobile is going to be there. How cool will that be to see??? Let's hope we have a weekend with great weather.