Sunday, December 23, 2007

What the &*%^

Oh man!!! Did you happen to see the Packer "game" today?? What the bleep was that all about?? For goodness sakes!!! Home field advantage in the play offs was lost today. We live in Wisconsin. They should have been able to play in that crappy weather. UGH!!! I'm feeling so bad for the Packers right now. I take that back. I'm not feeling bad for them. I'm pretty upset with them. I'll get over it though. That's my team and I love them. But I do have to say that they better look better next week and into the play offs than they did today or we don't stand a stinkin' chance. The good news: Dallas' T.O. (Terrell Owens) got injured in last nights game (which the Cowboys barely won). So normally I'm not one who wants people to get injured, but this is football! hehe

I made it home from church (a 20 mile drive) alive today (obviously...or I wouldn't be writing this post). It was a scary ride home though. It was really windy and the snow was really blowing. I don't think it would have been so bad except I got behind a snow plow and every time he'd plow, the wind would pick up the snow and swirl it around so you couldn't see ANYTHING!! The mini van in back of me thought it would be a good idea to tailgate me and I thought for sure that eventually I was going to get hit head on by a car heading north (I was heading south) because they couldn't see either. I got into the driveway, turned the car off, and I just cried for about a minute. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be home.

About an hour or two after I got home we braved the weather to go to the ER. When I got home Hope had stinky pants (not so unusual). What was unusual though is that her "stinkies" seemed to have had a reddish tint to them. Mark and I both looked at the diaper and looked at Hope and decided it wasn't red after all. Well, not even a half an hour later she had stinkies again, so I changed her again. This time it seemed to be more red than the first one. I told Mark that we were taking her to the ER and he agreed. To make a long story short: they did a smear test (doesn't that sound like fun) and it came back negative, so it wasn't blood. The doctor said that the test is REALLY sensitive, so if there were any trace of blood in her stool it would have detected it. Plus, she didn't have a fever, her heart and everything sounded great, her disposition was still bubbly and happy and she said she didn't hurt anywhere. So we came home and were thankful that she's OK. Again, we weren't thankful at the outcome of the Packer game, but if I had to choose one thing to be happy about, it'd be Hope. DUH!

I probably won't be posting now until after Christmas, so I wish to each of you a very Merry Christmas. May you find joy in the small things: time with family and friends, your favorite Christmas carol on the radio, and salvation that came in the form of a tiny little baby named Jesus thousands of years ago. Merry CHRISTmas everyone! ('s to the basement to watch the Vikings get beat (PLEASE SANTA) and wrap some gifts. hehehe)

1 comment:

Beth said...

YUP - NOT a great showing by our favorite team today. Maybe they needed to get kicked down a rung or two as a reminder that there is still some season left and they need to work at it.

I'm so sorry about your afternoon scare and ER trip. Glad, however, to hear that all is well.

Have a wonderful Christmas Brue family!


P.S. My bro and SIL saw almost 50 cars in the ditch on their way home this afternoon. YIKES! I'm very happy you're home safe and sound.