So last night I was putting Hope to bed. She was laying on my tummy as is the usual location for her as she falls asleep. The room was quiet except for the classical music coming from Mark's clock radio. All of a sudden Hope lifts up her head, puts her hands under her chin, looks me in the eyes, smiles and says, "Trapezoid." "Huh?" I asked. She said it again, "Trapezoid." "Hope, did you just say 'trapezoid'?" "Yep." Oh my goodness!! She has this puzzle that she puts together at Grammy and Papa's house and it has some shapes on it: a circle, a square, etc. Apparently it has a trapezoid. Not only can she pronounce it perfectly, she knows what it is!! I have a confession to make: I had to look up the word to see how to spell it. Her other favorite thing right now is saying "crescent moon." Hope will someday, I'm sure, be an astronaut. She is absolutely NUTS about the moon, the stars and all that fun stuff. Every night before bed she and Mark have a sweet tradition of going out onto our front landing and locating the moon. Once they locate it, they lay down on the landing and look up at the moon, the stars and whatever else might be up there. So Hope picks out this book from the library the other day. The book is about why the moon changes shapes. It talks about the moon in its different phases. She has picked out the crescent moon as her favorite, but close behind are the full moon, the half moon and the gibbous moon. Did you even know there was such a thing as a gibbous moon?? For cryin' out loud!! hehehe She's not even in kindergarted yet and I already feel like I need to go back to school to stay a step ahead of her. Oh...and the book about the moon was written by Isaac Asimov. Crazy, huh??
One more thing before I go to make more signs for the garage sale (yes...it's after 1am and I'm still making signs). I forgot to mention that my friend Kathy is also pregnant and due in August. So add her to my list found in the previous post.
Oh heck...I'm skipping the signs. I'll finish them in the morning. The sale doesn't start until 3pm, so I've got time. And I sold almost $90 is stuff already. This is going to be a GREAT sale!!
Good night...

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