So just when I thought Sunday, January 11, 2009, couldn't have gotten any worse, it did. I found out on Tuesday that a friend of mine from high school (she graduated 2 years behind me) died on Sunday morning (around the same time as Kim) of pancreatic cancer. What the heck??!!! They say bad things happen in threes. I got done with my three (and they were DOOZIES) all in one day. I guess ultimately that can be a good thing. 2009 has nowhere to go but up, right?? I say that a little cautiously.
Update on Freckles, the Wonderdog and the husband that will be in the dog house for a very long time: Mark and Mark (Brue and Klanderman, not necessarily in that found Freckles 2 hours after he had been hit by the car. As is normal for a dog that has been injured, he ran off to hide. He was in the neighbor's yard. I'm so glad that I saw him get hit or we wouldn't have had any idea what had happened and he very well could have frozen to death over night. Anyway...they found him and I immediately got into the Honda with Freckles and drove to the ER vet in Oakdale, MN (about 30 minutes from River Falls). As it turns out, the vet that we saw that night used to be at the vet office where we normally take Freckles, so it was nice to see a somewhat familiar face. Let me just say that Freckles is the most amazing dog on the face of the earth. He once again hurdled death and serious injury. After being hit by the car the only injuries that he sustained were three fractured ribs (and the fractures were so small that the vet had to look at the xrays more than once just to see if they actually were fractures) and some fluid build up in his chest cavity which has pretty much been taken care of through his coughing. He's still a little sore, but he's doing amazingly well. So, after 4 trips to the vet and over $500 later, he really is a wonder dog. Even our incredible vet (Dr. Bloom) called him a survivor. A few things you should know about Freckles so that you understand why I'm saying he's a wonder dog. 1) He has epilepsy and has to take seizure meds twice a day. That's been going on since I got him and that's over 10 years now. 2) About 5 years ago the vet found a tumor on his back end. The vet told me that almost always when a tumor is found in that particular location, it's cancer. So he removed the tumor...and it WASN'T cancer!! YEAH!!! 3) About 4 years ago Freckles got viciously mauled by the neighbor's husky. I wasn't home at the time, but Mark saw it happen. He said the dog had Freckles by the neck and was dragging him around like a rag doll. He was in complete shock by the time I got home from church that morning and had suffered several puncture wounds. The police came by and ended up putting the other dog down per the owner's request. The vet said that Freckles recovered amazingly well for those kinds of injuries. 4) Getting hit by a car on Sunday night. Again, the vet is amazed at his recovery. The bottom line is that Freckles is cursed and has to spend a few more years by my side. lol
So, that situation ended up turning out better than expected. PRAISE GOD!!!!! As for Mark being in the dog house for not putting Freckles on his leash: he'll be there a while longer. I do think he's learned his lesson though and will FINALLY do what I ask in this case.
Now, on a good note...Hope and I ventured out in this blankety-blank-blank-blank weather this morning. was actually -45 degrees (wind chill temp) this morning when I woke up. LOTS of schools in the area were closed because of the temps. Smart!!!!!!!! But we bundled up and headed to the Target Center in Minneapolis to see Elmo Live! It was so much fun! We met Hope's friend Kahea and Kahea's family there. Hope likes Elmo, but she LOVES Abby Cadabby. She was thrilled to see her today. I do think I have a performer on my hands though because Hope got VERY upset when she couldn't go on stage and sing and dance with Elmo and his friends. lol After the show was over we all met at the Oliver Garden (as Hope calls it) for lunch. It was really nice hanging out with the Sloan family today. It's just weird to think that I'm so much older than the rest of the parents of the kids in Hope's class. I don't know if they know that or not though. Maybe I can keep it a secret. hehehe
I did take some pics at the Target Center today so I'll post those later. I'll also get a picture or two of the Wonder Dog so those of you who have never seen him can put a face with a name.
So that's it for now. Time to do some more laundry (does that ever end?) and some organizing. It's going to be a VERY early night for all of us tonight. Thank you for all your prayers.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Today could NOT be any worse
So this morning my friend Kim died. Now tonight I was headed to Hudson to meet a friend for some much needed and much deserved Mexican food and Margaritas. I was almost to our car in the driveway when I heard this noise. I looked up and saw a van driving by. It sounded like it lost its muffler or something. The van slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road across from our house. That's when I noticed a dog coming from underneath the van. A dog had been hit. The dog got up and ran a little, the van backed up and that's when I noticed that it was MY dog!!! At least I thought it was. It was so dark I couldn't tell for sure. I called for Freckles just in case it was him and the dog was coming towards me. He seemed to have stopped in the pampas grass by our mailboxes. He was crying and whimpering. I ran to the house to ask Mark if he had the dogs out. He said yes. So it was indeed Freckles. That incident happened at about 7:10 tonight. We still haven't been able to find Freckles. We have NO idea where he is. I'm sure he's somewhere suffering...or maybe he's already dead. If there were any possible way for him to get back home, he'd be here. He always comes home.
Here's the part that some of you may not want to hear: I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO mad at Mark right now. I seriously may never talk to him again. I have told him a MILLION times that when he lets the dogs out he MUST put Freckles on a leash. He's a Border Collie! He runs. He herds. Those are his instincts. But Mark either doesn't understand or doesn't care. I knew this was going to happen someday. And sure enough, it happened...and today of all days. I need this like I need a hole in the head. I know I ask for a lot of prayers, but I'm asking for one more for those of you who get this post soon. PLEASE pray that Mark is able to find Freckles. It's so cold outside and it's so dark. I feel helpless not being out there hunting, but someone needs to be home with Hope. Mark's brother in law and nephew are here helping, so that's good. I've had Freckles for MUCH longer than I've had Mark. I was fortunate enough to find Freckles at a shelter in Carrollton, TX, when I lived in Dallas. He is such an awesome dog. He was there for me when my Dad died. He wouldn't leave my side that night. Such a faithful, loving companion. I always referred to him as my "first born." lol I just had him to the vet about a month ago and the vet said that he is such a healthy dog. He figured he'd live to be about 15. I was looking forward to 3 more years with him.
So far 2009 is a year I'd prefer to sleep through. I hope it gets better.
Here's the part that some of you may not want to hear: I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO mad at Mark right now. I seriously may never talk to him again. I have told him a MILLION times that when he lets the dogs out he MUST put Freckles on a leash. He's a Border Collie! He runs. He herds. Those are his instincts. But Mark either doesn't understand or doesn't care. I knew this was going to happen someday. And sure enough, it happened...and today of all days. I need this like I need a hole in the head. I know I ask for a lot of prayers, but I'm asking for one more for those of you who get this post soon. PLEASE pray that Mark is able to find Freckles. It's so cold outside and it's so dark. I feel helpless not being out there hunting, but someone needs to be home with Hope. Mark's brother in law and nephew are here helping, so that's good. I've had Freckles for MUCH longer than I've had Mark. I was fortunate enough to find Freckles at a shelter in Carrollton, TX, when I lived in Dallas. He is such an awesome dog. He was there for me when my Dad died. He wouldn't leave my side that night. Such a faithful, loving companion. I always referred to him as my "first born." lol I just had him to the vet about a month ago and the vet said that he is such a healthy dog. He figured he'd live to be about 15. I was looking forward to 3 more years with him.
So far 2009 is a year I'd prefer to sleep through. I hope it gets better.
The Circle of Life

30 years ago today a beautiful baby boy was born to Ed and JoEllen Allen. That boy, Barry Justin Allen, is my first nephew. I will never forget when we got the news. I was a 5th grader at Friendship Grade School in Friendship, WI (you'd think they could have come up with a more original name for the school, but, whatever). My younger sister and I were laying in bed when the phone rang just before 10pm. It was my sister, Jo, telling us that Barry had FINALLY been born. If I remember correctly, he was like 2-3 weeks late. Can you even imagine?? YIKES!!! He had a beautiful head of black hair. I was so proud. Now, 30 years later, I'm STILL so proud of him. He's an amazing human being. He graduated from UW-Madison and entered the Peace Corp. He served the PC in Benin, West Africa for two years. Now he's in South Korea. I'm hoping that someday he'll come back to the States to live, but I'm not so sure about that. Barry is so kind and loving. I'm very blessed to have him as my nephew.
Who knew that 30 years to the date from Barry's birth, I would experience the death of my friend Kim. Let me tell you about Kim. Kim Warneke is one of the most amazing women I have ever met in my life. I got to know Kim when I began working as Children's Minister at Ezekiel Lutheran Church in River Falls, WI. I had her daughter Kaitlin (now 16) in my ministry there. What a loving, kind, positive person Kim (and her husband John and Kaitlin) was. It's so hard to talk about her in the past tense. Kim was young...I think about 45. She taught 3rd grade at Hudson Prairie Elementary School in Hudson, WI. That's the same school where my sis-in-law teaches 1st grade, so Cheryl is very much hurting today, too. Lots of people are. About 6 years ago or so Kim was diagnosed with breast cancer. NOT fair...but life is seldom fair. She beat it. She was almost 5 years cancer free when they found the cancer had come back. That was in March of this year. Kim has endured treatment after treatment after treatment. She did not wint the battle this time. I should say she didn't wint the PHYSICAL battle this time. Kim entered the hospital on Wednesday because they knew her time was very short. She was having a very difficult time breathing and they found the cancer had gotten to her lungs. It had also been in her bones for quite a while and she was in so much pain. I went to visit her on Thursday night and I didn't even recognize her...except for her beautiful spirit and soul that, even to the very end, remained. Even in death Kim was gracious and kind. Never complaining. Please keep Kim's family (especially John and Kaitlin) in your prayers. Funeral arrangements will be made tomorrow. I'm so glad that my friend is no longer suffering.
So it's the circle of life. Barry was born, Kim has died. Hope is also at a BIRTHday party for one of her classmates today. So it truly is the circle of life. Peaks and valleys.
I'm going to end this post with a dream I had last night. I dreamed that Kim and I decided to take a nice drive along the Mississippi River. It was beautiful and peaceful. We had no destination, no schedule. Of course we did take a detour to a shopping mall so we could go shopping. lol At about 4:50 this morning I shot up from a deep sleep and it took me a while to remember what day it was because I had been sleeping so deeply and woke up so quickly. I couldn't get back to sleep. Finally just after 5:30 this morning peace overcame me and I was able to go back to sleep (although not for long since I had the alarm set for 6:30 so I could get to work on time). Just as I was about to step out the door (running late...UGH!), the phone rang. Caller ID showed it was my sister in law. Mark wasn't going to pick up the phone but I asked him to because I knew what it was. I knew it was Cheryl calling to tell me that Kimmy had died. I was right. Kim passed away at 5:30 this morning. I think I already knew.
Hold those dear to you a little more tightly. Life is too short and too precious to hang on to pettiness, anger and all those things (and people) that drag you down. I think I have my New Year's Resolution. Thank you for all the lessons you taught me, Kim! I love you and miss you. Be well! Be at peace!
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