Hope told Santa that she wants the black (I'm trying to get her to say African American, but that's a little much for a three year old I guess) Baby Alive that poops and pees. lol Dr. Hallman told Hope that that doll sounds like a lot of work and wouldn't it be more fun to have a doll that just plays instead? I thought that was pretty funny. Now she's also asking for the Talking Princess Vanity, but I'm thinking Santa can't afford that AND the Baby Alive. One thing I think Santa might be bringing her though is tickets for Hope, Mommy and Daddy to go see Sesame Street Live in January at the Excel Center (or is it the Target Center?? I always get those two places confused...lol). She keeps asking if someday we could take her to Sesame Street, so I thought that might be a good thing for her.
Anyway...Hope had a great morning with our friends Ron, Beth and Hope H last Saturday when they came to our house and we had our first annual gingerbread house decorating party. They ended up being graham cracker houses instead, but we had so much fun! I think Ron had just as much fun as the girls did, while the Moms were constantly telling the Hopes that they couldn't eat all the candy. Being a bad Mom, I didn't take any pictures of the event, but Beth was snapping pictures left and right (thank you, Beth!!), so as soon as I get them I'll post them.
Time to get supper going. Enjoy the picture of Hope with Santa and Mrs Claus.