Thursday, November 6, 2008

Prayers please

I just received some horrible news and I'm asking that each of you prays for my friend Kim. Some of you may know about Kim. I've mentioned her many times in this blog. But for those of you who aren't familiar with her story, here's a little background. I met Kim, her husband John and their daughter Kaitlyn when I started working at Ezekiel 6 years ago. Kim and I became fast friends. She is such a kind woman...and her family is exactly the same. Gentle, peaceful, happy, helpful, etc. I just love them. When I first met Kim she was just finishing her battle with breast cancer. She had won!!! Almost 5 years after having been pronounced cancer free, she learned the cancer was back (that was this Spring). Well, here is part of her latest journal entry from her Caring Bridge page. It tells about the results of the latest PET scan she recently had.

"Basically it was pretty bad news. The cancer has gotten much worse and is now in the liver. I have been in severe pain on my left side the last few weeks with this week being aweful and found out it had spread into the inside of my bones( I had spots but now they are growing. That is what most of my pain is from so I am on a patch for the pain as well as morphine and some other drugs we are trying for the pain. I will also be using a cane/ walker to help keep me stable and to keep me from falling. Not the news we were hoping for. Continue saying those prayers please."

I always try to be optimistic, but this isn't good. Kim is only 45!!! Her daughter is a Jr. in High school. She needs her Mom. I am just sick to my stomach about all of this. Please, please, PLEASE keep her and her family in your prayers. God is a God of miracles, so I know He can completely heal Kim. I pray that's His will.

I wish each of you could know Kim. She is such an amazing woman of faith. She's been so hopeful through BOTH of her journeys with cancer. Always upbeat. Always smiling. Always more concerned about you than herself. I'll keep you posted on her progress. Thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

History Made my candidate didn't win today. I'm not ashamed to say that I vote pro-life and always will. I also have many questions about Obama. And don't even get me started on Biden. ZOIKS!!! But they will be the new leaders of the United States come January 20th so I will do what I do EVERY time we elect new leaders for our nation: get on my knees and pray. I know this is a great country because God's hand is always on us. That will not change. So I'll buck up and things will be great.

Time for bed. Oh...Sarah Palin in 2012!! WooHoo!! Or maybe a Mike Huckabee and Sarah Palin ticket. That would ROCK!