Yep. Today I turned 41. I was SOOOOO looking forward to having a nice day with my daughter. It started out nice, kinda. She did wish me a happy birthday, but then she started crying because she wanted it to be HER birthday. Quick thinking Mommy said, "But Hopie, it IS your birthday today. It's your Baptismal Birthday!" So we got her baptismal candle out and put it in a pretty candle holder and set it on the dining room table. We also set pitures of her baptism on the table. We told her that we'd have a special celebration at supper time tonight and she seemed perfectly fine with that. (By the way, today really IS her baptismal birthday, so I wasn't just telling a little white lie to her.)
So we had a nice day planned. We first had to go to the DMV in Hudson (I know...not real exciting--but they renewed my license in like 10 minutes from start to finish so I was happy about that), then we went to the pet store in Hudson to look at the animals. My big hearted girl was pretty good through that. Then we went to Caribou for breakfast and the demon started coming out a little. Then it was to Target where I could see yet a little more of the demon. Then lunch at Mariachi Loco where the demon REALLY came out. Holy Hannah! The rest of the day was downhill from there. I don't know who took my sweet little girl or what they did with her, but the replaced her with someone who LOOKS just like her but acts the complete opposite. Long story short: I'm hoping whoever took my little Hopie brings her back tonight and takes the subsitute we had today away forever. This was by far the hardest day in Hope's 3+ years of life for me. And of course it had to fall on my birthday. I shed some tears today. I said that I wasn't coming home when I go to Texas next. I told her that she and Daddy can be crabby pants by themselves. And of course I feel an immense amount of guilt for not being a little more patient with her today. Tomorrow is a new day and I think I have every right to get a birthday "re-do."
On a good note: Hope made me a birthday card and gave it to me this morning. She is SO good at writing her name. Inside the card was a GREAT picture of Aaron Rodgers that Mark had cut out of a magazine. I love that boy (Aaron, that Looks like I'll be getting my Aaron Rodgers jersey after all. Hopefully I can have it before the Packers beat the Cowboys (I say nervously) on Sunday.
OK...time to finish my wine cooler (maybe another one is in order for today?? lol), play some Scrabble and go to bed.
Sorry for being a total downer.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
2nd Day of Pre-school
I had to get this written down before I forgot about it. Friday was Hope's 2nd day of pre-school (her first full 2 hour, 15 minute day). While we ate breakfast on Friday morning she asked me if I was going to be in the same parent's classroom that I was in on Wednesday while she was in class. I thought for a second, "Should I lie and tell her yes or should I opt for the truth even though it will probably mean tears??" I opted for the truth. I told her that I was going to drop her off in her classroom, make sure she was set and then I was going to Light House (one of the coffee shops in town) and then I had to go see Dr. Melissa (my chiropractor) so she could make my back better. Then I told her I'd be there to pick her up when class was over. I thought to myself, "Oh no. Here come the tears and the pleas to not have to go to pre-school today." Well, I thought too highly of myself apparently because she looked at me and said, "OK" and then went on with eating breakfast without missing a beat. So I dropped her off and she was just fine. I told Mrs. Wunrow that Hope could be a little bossy. She said, "Melody, she's great. She's very helpful. She also has a very big heart." My heart swelled with pride. She's already seen Hope's loving heart in such a short time. I also thought it was very nice of her to translate my "she can be bossy" into "she's very helpful." Maybe Mrs. Wunrow should think about being in politics. lol tears when I dropped her off. I went to get coffee, went to the chiropractor and did a few other errands. Then Mark and I went to pick Hope up. As soon as she saw us and Mrs. Wunrow dismissed her, Hope slid under the table because she didn't want to go home!!!! Sheesh!! We're not THAT bad of parents, are we??? No other kid hid under the table when they got picked up. I'd rather have it that way then have her kicking and screaming when I leave. So pre-school is a big hit. Hope is already bringing home things she's learning at school. They must have talked about going potty on the potty chair, too, because Hope said something about Mrs. Wunrow saying they should use the bathroom if they have to go potty. Mrs. Wunrow also taught the kids to say "Yes, please" when they get their milk at snack time.
This is going to be a great growing year for Hope...and for her parents. We have much to learn, for sure, and I can't think of anyone better to learn these lessons from than Hope.
With that I'm off to sleep...hoping the Badgers don't blow it in the 4th quarter. C'mon Badgers!!!! Let's go! PRAISE GOD!!!! Fresno State just missed a field goal that would have tied the game. And don't get me started on that AWFUL call the refs made in the 3rd quarter. The call SHOULD have been reversed because it WAS a fumble and WAS recovered by the Badgers. tears when I dropped her off. I went to get coffee, went to the chiropractor and did a few other errands. Then Mark and I went to pick Hope up. As soon as she saw us and Mrs. Wunrow dismissed her, Hope slid under the table because she didn't want to go home!!!! Sheesh!! We're not THAT bad of parents, are we??? No other kid hid under the table when they got picked up. I'd rather have it that way then have her kicking and screaming when I leave. So pre-school is a big hit. Hope is already bringing home things she's learning at school. They must have talked about going potty on the potty chair, too, because Hope said something about Mrs. Wunrow saying they should use the bathroom if they have to go potty. Mrs. Wunrow also taught the kids to say "Yes, please" when they get their milk at snack time.
This is going to be a great growing year for Hope...and for her parents. We have much to learn, for sure, and I can't think of anyone better to learn these lessons from than Hope.
With that I'm off to sleep...hoping the Badgers don't blow it in the 4th quarter. C'mon Badgers!!!! Let's go! PRAISE GOD!!!! Fresno State just missed a field goal that would have tied the game. And don't get me started on that AWFUL call the refs made in the 3rd quarter. The call SHOULD have been reversed because it WAS a fumble and WAS recovered by the Badgers.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A new career begins...
For Hope, that is. Today, September 10th, 2008, Hope began her school career as she walked into her first pre-school class. I know what some of you are thinking: oh man! I bet Melody was a WRECK!!! No, actually. I shed no tears at all. Now when she goes to Kindergarten that will be an entirely different story. Pre-school was only an hour today, so while Hope was in class, Mark and I were in orientation with other parents. I know what else you're thinking: certainly Mark and Melody have to be the oldest parents in the pre-school. Yep. We are. lol And guess what??? I don't mind at all. I don't think anyone can tell that I'll be 21 a week from tomorrow, can they?? Or maybe they think I'll be 81. I'm not sure. At any rate, the other parents of Hope's classmates are great. Get this...there are 9 kids in the class: 8 girls and 1 boy!!! That poor boy. If I were a bettin' woman I'd bet that Gavin doesn't get a word in edge wise all year long. lol We looked in the classroom at the end of class and there was Gavin, sitting right in the middle of all those girls. hehehe SOOOOOO cute!!
On our front porch
Anyway....I wasn't sure how Hope would be today. She still hates it when I leave her to go to work. Monday was REALLY bad. She cried almost all the way to Baldwin saying, "I don't want you to leave me. You'll be too far away." The good news is that the only tears she shed today was in the car on the way home from preschool as she told us she didn't want her friends to go. YEAH!!! A success. Oh...four of the 8 girls have birthdays within a month of each other. One little girl was born at the end of June, Hope's b-day is July 19, and two other little girls' birthdays are at the end of July. One of them was born exactly one week after Hope was born and her parents were in the same birthing class as Mark and me. It was nice to re-connect with them again, too. We have our first fundraiser coming up on October 19th. It's a pancake breakfast, so if you live in the River Falls area and would like to eat some really great pancakes and support Hope's preschool (money raised will help with scholarships for families who can't afford the whole tuition), let me know and I'll get you some info. The pancakes are being made by one of the guys who cooks at Perkins, so they're going to be YUMMY!!! I'm excited to chaperone field trips, substitute teach when I can and maybe even do some music from time to time with Hope's class. I can't believe my little girl is old enough to start preschool. Where have these three years gone?? I didn't cry when she walked into her classroom this morning, but a few tears are coming now. Maybe I'm a little more sentimental about this milestone than I originally thought. Hope is growing up WAY too quickly.
One more memory from Hope's first day at school. After class her teacher (Cathy...a friend of mine) told me that Hope told the class all about our trip to St. Croix Falls this summer. I just laughed, imagining Hope giving all the details about Fawn Doe Rosa. Then I asked Cathy if Hope told them that she fell asleep in Sommerset and slept until we got to St. Croix Falls. Yes. She had. Cathy laughed. That's when she told me that Hope is just great. Of course I was beaming with pride. Then Lori, who was Cathy's helper for today, told me a couple of times how great Hope was. I think they probably got a big chuckle out of her vocabulary. I have to say that she has an incredible vocabulary and speaks very articulately. She says a lot of things that don't usually come from the mouth of a 3 year old. I'm sure Cathy will get a lot of chuckles out of Hope this year.
Lots has happened recently and there's much to tell, but I'm exhausted tonight. I'm also dealing with a back that is incredibley painful right now. It's been hurting all week, but last night it got REALLY bad. It was so bad that as soon as Hope and I got home from Baldwin I crawled into bed. Mark went to the store to get something for supper and Hope stayed home to take care of me. She was in bed snuggled up next to me and suddenly started getting out of bed. I asked her where she was going and she said, "I can't tell you. It's a surprise." Pretty soon she came back with one of her quilts from her bedroom. She gave it to me and told me I could use it so I would get better. I just melted!
A couple of things real quickly so I remember to post about them sometime soon: Hope and I got to see a calf be born at the farm on Sunday. My friend Cassie had a baby boy over the weekend. Aaron Rodgers rocks (I think I might be his biggest fan). Confirmation and Sunday school are off to a great start. I think I'm going to Dallas again soon. And did I mention that Aaron Rodgers rocks?? hehehe I'll post more about these things, but for now here are pictures from Hope's first day at preschool. I'm going to take a pictures on the first and last day of school...both by herself and with her teacher. It'll be great to see how much she grows each year. I'll do this every least as long as she'll let me. I'm guessing that the pictures with her teachers might stop right around middle school, but who knows???
Hope's new friends
Hope and Mrs. Wunrow
Monday, September 8, 2008
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